#1 Introduction of Tompkin podcasts
What are Tompkin podcasts about.
#2 Questions for Tompkin
Being responsible to oneself and practical exercises.
#3 Magic of reality creation
How to create magic in your life.
#4 Soul families
Families of consciousness.
#5 Plant based medicine
Plant based medicine; Animals and Human connection
#6 The inbetween and interconnectedness
Fleur and Tompkin discuss that time in our lives that many of us are experiencing where we lack enthusiasm, or have a dissconnect from our old way of doing things and have yet to move into a new way that is filled with more excitement. Often times there may be a perceived lack of inspriation to continue.......
#7 What is your superpower?
Fleur and Tompkin discuss what is a superpower, everyone has one, you know you do? Are you using yours? This is an audiofile only and is also on utube if you wish to share and or suscribe, we appreciate your support.
#8 Time is malleable
Audio only also on utube please like and suscribe on utube to get our channel out there. thanks
#9 Fleur's eclectic conversations- ANKH and Time and how all exists in the now
This video also exists on utube please like and suscribe to support us.
#10 Adventure in consciousness crystal pool MEDITATION WITH TOMPKIN
THis is a short healing meditation with Tompkin that is generally done when you have a few moments to spare to refresh and heal yourself. This will not be on UTUBE.
#11 Edgar Cayce and finding your ultimate diet plan
Fleur discusses Edgar Cayce whose advice is behind many diet plans today and also Tompkin tells us how we can find our own ultimate individual diet plan.
#12 Season 2 podcast #4
Tompkin talks about past lives and how to find yours. This is on utube. Please excuse delay at the beginning, cannot load edited format at the moment.
#13 Storytime with Tompkin- A Russian jewel of a child
Fleur is cheeky and asks Tompkin for a story and she gets more than she bargained for!
#14 Psyops news
Every wonder why your official reality seems different to that portrayed on the tv news? How to live in a fearless safe universe
#15 Observing human consciousness in the future
This is a Tompkin short, a spontaneous conversation with fleur and tompkin, no frills, just a quick chat!
#16 Navigating the technological singularity
This is a no frills tompkin short
#17 Reexamining beliefs for the shift
Reexaming beliefs for the shift- a no frills tompkin short conversation with fleur and Tompkin
#18 Seeing and acknowledging differences
This is a tompkin short chat- spontaneous and no frills, this is also on spotify for listening on the go!
#19 Humanity's evolving relationship with nature
This is a tompkin short, no frills brief conversation with Tompkin
#20 Tools for expanding awareness of other lives
Fleur explores with tompkin what role does remembering past lives play in the spirtual evolution of humanity
how your past lives or experiences can come to your aide