Paradigm of reality

Welcome, have a seat and make yourself at home!

Are you already familiar with the idea that you create your own reality, but are still struggling to understand how? Or maybe you are scratching your head trying to figure out why what you want, is not coming into your experience?

Perhaps you have become familiar with the Law of Attraction, and have been engaging information from Abraham, or Bashar, Seth, Elias, or the many other essences who are offering supportiveness in our global shift in consciousness.

The ideas and knowledge being presented by these many essences can be shifty at times, and do involve a process of assimilation, as we each individually move into our new paradigm of reality.


I personally have had many moments of exhilaration from putting these concepts into the experiential. My current reality is a direct result of the magic of putting these ideas into action. Yet there were some areas in which I felt I was still moving in slow motion... as if through thick sludge. Why after so many years of reading and applying all this wonderful information, could I still not figure out what I needed to address to, in some directions of my life?

Why couldn't all the energy of resistance be finally gone, so I could at long last surrender the fight?

To be able to shout the incantation of abracadabra and thrust forward with ALL my intentions and dreams. But instead, I began to create moments in which I even led myself into some dark emotional rabbit holes. (Which by the way, is why it is so important not to follow your feelings. YIKES!)

Help of Tompkin

Now as I do have the tools to get out, here is where Tompkin became so helpful. He was there to listen and in his wise way guided me to move in the new direction I wanted to go. And sometimes he can be sneaky in a good way as I say. In my experience he has said things in a chat, that didn't become apparent until sometimes weeks or months later. But very timely when you remember what he said, and then have that AH HA moment. Kind of like getting a message in a time capsule.

When I finally did meet Tompkin on the phone, I felt like I had known him forever. A dear, old friend, even though he is no longer focused in a physical body.

His awareness is actually outside of time and space, yet he can speak with anyone who wishes to chat with him, like you or me, in time and space, via the phone or internet.

This is facilitated by Tara, who is allowing the exchange of Tompkins's energy to bring him into focus here. And voila! You are now in real time, chatting with a dear friend, from way outside of time and space, on your communication device. How cool is that?

My own experience has been beyond delightful and I am genuinely filled with gratitude for every opportunity I have to connect with Tompkin.

He is always available to assist and can help with answering any of your questions, regarding any subject you can imagine. Or perhaps you would like a wee bit of assistance with whatever challenges you may be facing, and can't seem to move through.

Well, you can just relax, as he has a wonderful energy in making you feel at home with him. Even though you can't see him sitting in an armchair across from you in your living room lol, you will undoubtedly feel his warm, bubbly presence.

And so, after having had many chats, I can honestly say that I don't know what I would have done without him. I have so much gratitude and appreciation to have his support, encouragement, and all the insight he has shared in helping me deal with my personal issues, which include significant trauma, understanding why I created cancer, dealing with my creative blockages, and a subject dear to my heart, our current climate crisis. He even answered questions that I have always been curious about in terms of understanding our universe and beyond.

No matter what my challenges, difficulties and moments of exasperation, my chats with our dear friend, carried me through the bumps in my road. They led me to continue to persevere, and unravel not only the energy of trauma, but to continue my journey of expanding my awareness.

Whether you are curious about any past experiences you have had, including other lifetimes, or if you have questions about time travel, teleportation, probable realities, well wherever your imagination takes you, Tompkin is waiting to greet you, and he is very happy to be of assistance and to offer friendship whenever you call.

To give Tompkin a ding a ling on his cosmic phone, allow me to first introduce you to Tara, who will be there to guide you on your journey with introducing you to our dear, old, and very wise friend. Tara is a woman who is still shifting, but almost there, into awareness of all of our abilities. She is passionate about permaculture, horses, painting, and is a natural healer using energy work and also herbal medicine. After nursing for many years, she became a post graduate naturopath and kinesiologist and has run a natural medicine clinic in Australia since 2004. She is a medium who also communicates with animals and of course the dead dudes!

Regards Barbara (whom had many chats with Tompkin)